- February 2010, Ciwidey - West Java landslide :
- October 2010, Tsunami in Mentawai :
- October 2010, Merapi eruption :
- November 2010, Bromo eruption :
The year 2010 has not been a great year for Indonesia after all. Indonesia reels from earthquake, landslide and flood, tsunami, and volcanic eruption. The impact is not only limited to its local people, but to the country as well. The massive damages have been an economic burden to Indonesia, to recover and stand again on its own.
Now now, let's google up the meaning of 'disaster'.
"sudden ecological phenomenon of sufficient magnitude to require external assistance" - WHO.
"Bencana adalah peristiwa atau rangkaian peristiwa yang mengancam dan mengganggu kehidupan dan penghidupan masyarakat yang disebabkan, baik oleh faktor alam atau non-alam maupun faktor manusia sehingga mengakibatkan timbulnya korban jiwa manusia, kerusakan lingkungan, kerugian harta benda, dan dampak psikologis" - UU Republik Indonesia no 24 tentang penanggulangan bencana.
More in :
1. Natural Disaster in Indonesia
2. Discovery Channel - Southeast Asia
3. What is Disaster
4. Psychosocial Issue For Older Adults in Disasters
5.Lecture note : Conceptual Framework of disaster and Disaster Management by dr Hendro Wartatmo
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